Referee General Information
Referee Responsibilities
Referees are independent contractors (not AYSL employees)
Referee responsibilities are to get assignments to officiate matches
Show up at your assignment at least 15 minutes early to do inspection
Check players in - make sure the players on the pitch are the ones on the player passes - and they are not wearing jewelry and have proper soccer gear (shinguards, cleats, matching jersey with unique number).
Call the game - based on league rules/playing ages
Report scores - the same weekend of the games (so you may be paid)
Report any serious incididents to the Assignor immediately (e.g. serious injuries, send offs, problem spectators or coaches, etc.)
Referee Links
Game Reports (coming soon)
Send Off Reports (coming soon)
Anderson Soccer Fields Map
(Checking in teams, starting the game, marking the game cards)
How Anderson Youth Soccer Supports Refs
In conjunction with District IX, AYSL will provide a mentor for new referees. Mentors will also be provided for experienced referees needing assistance or wishing to move up. Check with your referee assignor if you are interested in our Referee Mentor Program.
All referees who ref games at the Anderson Soccer Park will receive a meal with a drink from the Snack Bar as well as unlimited water through out the day.
For information on how to become a referee, general referee questions, or referee support contact the Referee Assignor.
Referee Checklist
Flip Coin
Yellow and Red/Send Off Cards
AR Flags
US Soccer Resources
Referee Course Modules (free videos that briefly illustrate each law of the game)
Remind me again of the Admin requirements...
There are muliple systems to navigate, but two are most imporant:
CNRA (via
- Prospective Referees must register with CNRA in order to get trained.
- Returning Referees must renew your registration with CNRA in order to keep your certification current.
SoccerEZ (via
- All referees wishing to sign up for games at the Anderson Soccer Park will use this site to do so.