How to start the game:
Aim to arrive 30 minutes early. If you are starting the first game of the day, you are responsible for checking that the field conditions are safe, and the goals are anchored. AYSL has people that set up the field, but is is always a good idea to check for safety. Mark any gopher holes or large potholes with a disc cone if you can get them from coaches.
Your first responsibility is ensuring safety for yourself and for the players. Do not start a game if you are in doubt. AYSL always has a Board Member on duty during games. Please find them if you need anything. If you need help finding, check in the Snack Bar and they will help you. Take time to make yourself presentable. Tuck in your shirt, put on your badge, pull up your socks and remember to use sunblock. You are in a position of authorty, so you're going to want to look professional and in charge.
How to Introduce Yourself to the Coach
15 minutes before game time, you need to get ready to start the game. Introduce yourself to the coaches with a handshake. Tell them your name, and ask them to get ready for check-in. Ask them to send over a team captain for the coin toss and note who that player is.
Tips and advice: It is always wise, especially for the U8/U9 games to remind the coaches certain etiquette that must be observed before the game, because they forget or don't know.
1. Only coaches with valid passes are allowed in the technical area (team bench).
Do not make exception to this rule. it will cause problems for you or for referees later in the season.
Make sure the picture on the coach pass is the same person.
Coaching may only be done in the technical area
No coaching from behind the goals by anyone!
2. Remind coaches they are responsible for behavior of the spectators. Get them to move parents to the opposite side of the pitch and at least 3 feet back.
3. Remind coaches in event of injury, you will stop the game and waive them onto the field to get their player. Ask them to have a substitute ready, as the game will go on as soon as the player is off the field. No parents are to come onto the field at any time. Coaches are to remind parents of this.
If you have a problem with a coach: Stop the game! Calmly approach the coach and give him/her a warning.If you do not feel safe or comfortable, it is your option to halt the game, inform the coaches that the game if over, and leave the field. You will need to file a report with the league, and/or call the AYSL Referee Assignor if this occurs. For all other incidents/concerns during the game that you have handled, please fill out a report to the league when you report scores for the game. Anderson Youth Soccer strives to protect the referees from any kind of harrassment from coaches or spectators and will deal with such issues as they come up.
How to check in the teams:
Have each team coach fill out the game card. Game cards are available at the Referee Table. Get the player passes from both coaches. Get and check the game balls from the Home team coach. Ask coaches to line up their players for check-in. Generally, it is a good idea to have players backs to the sun.
No Jewelry, Earrings, Hard casts or Splints that have hard metal or hard plastic. No EXCEPTIONS! No tape or bandaids over earrings! They offer no protection if a ball hits the ear! Look for Rings or bracelets on hands and wrists. String bracelets are not allowed.
All shirts tucked in. - This helps you tell if there is shirt pulling.
Socks must completely cover the shin guards
No shinguards outside the socks!
Have them turn and show you the bottom of the cleat or lift up their foot.
No baseball/football cleats. Those have a spike in the front of the bottom of the shoe. It is dangerous for soccer. If the cleat is broken and appears unsafe, have the coach tell the player to change his/her shoes.
Make sure to warn them to double tie their laces as you will not stop the game for re-tying.
Coach and Player passes: NO PASS, NO PLAY
- Must all be for the current/same soccer year.
Read off the names of the players, have the player turn and show their number and step behind you.
Warning, from time to time coaches may try to sneak players in after the line up. This could be because a player arrives late to the field or for a player without a pass. It is important all players be checked in and have a valid pass. No pass = no insurance because the player was not properly registered yet or they are sitting out a match due to suspension = liability. Do not allow such player to participate. Be sure to include that coach and player in your report and mark "needs immediate attention". AYSL will investigate.
Place the passes in your gear bag or in your pocket to be returned at game conclusion. Generally, there will be no issues but if you send someone off, you have to retain the pass and turn it into District IX.
Move onto the next team and repeat the check-in process.​
Starting the Game and How to Mark the Game Card
Place the game ball in the center circle.
When you are ready to start the game, call for the captains to come to the center circle.
Visiting team captain calls the toss in the air.
Winner of the toss chooses the side to attack.
Loser of the toss gets to kick-off.
On the game card, circle the team kicking off so you know who gets the kick-off at the beginning of the second half.
On the game card, the coaches should have affixed a sticker with the team name, the player names and corresponding jersey numbers. Have the coaches sign the game card on the line that says, "Team Official".
It is a good idea to put the jersey colors near the team names, especially if you do more than one match during the day.
Count the number of field players, check that both Goalkeepers are ready to start.
Start the match by blowing your whistle and your stop watch.
Each age group has different substitution time/rules. Know them before you start the game. There is a 5 minute break at halftime. Use two long whistles to signal half time.
Tips and advice: As you get more adept, it is always nice to give the coaches a heads up that substitutions will occur within the next minute. The clock still runs regardless, because the games for the day are tightly scheduled, and you must keep all the games on time.
Nearing the end of halftime, walk on the field with the ball, and ask the coaches to assemble their teams. The teams switch sides, and Kickoff is given to the team that did not start the game.
As above, count the number of field players and check that both Goalkeepers are ready to start.
Each time a goal is scored, make a hatch mark in the appropriate box (first half, second half) and # player scored if you wish.
At the conclusion of game, blow the whistle using three long blasts to signal end of match. Write on the card, the final score.
Pick up and return game ball to the coach, return the passes to the appropriate coaches and shake hands. You retain the game cards and report scores online by Sunday evening.
* Each referee must report scores online in order to be paid.
If you arrive early or finish your game assignments and notice an uncovered match for Anderson Youth Soccer, you are encouraged and welcome to officiate and report scores. We are happy for the extra help and will pay you.
Referee Game Day Procedures
Game Reports (coming soon)
Send Off Reports (coming soon)
Anderson Soccer Fields Map